Blockchain technology has transformed how digital transactions and data handling occur, marking a significant leap forward.

The demand for blockchain’s advanced features—security, scalability, and decentralization—is not just a trend. It’s a revolution reshaping the future of industries worldwide.

This innovation is driving change across various sectors, including finance, supply chain, and healthcare while redefining the decentralized ecosystem. Staying informed about the latest trends and statistics is essential for understanding and navigating this rapidly evolving landscape.

The stats below in this page illustrate this innovative technology’s growth and popularity.

Blockchain Market Size Predictions 2024-2030

The blockchain market was around $3.06 billion in 2020, and after a 95.4% surge, the market size stood at $6.0 billion in 2021.

In 2022 and 2023, the market size reached $11.54 billion and $17.46 billion, respectively. Within one year, the blockchain’s market valuation increased by 51.4%.

The experts predict that the market size will undergo a compound annual growth rate of 87.7% from 2023 to 2030. According to the reports, it’s believed that the blockchain’s market valuation by 2026 will reach around $56.7 billion.

From such predictions, it’s evident that blockchain technology will only grow and increase rapidly.

Year Market Size
2020 $3.06 Billion
2021 $6.0 Billion
2022 $11.54 Billion
2023 $17.46 Billion

Blockchain User Count

It was predicted in the reports put together by niche experts that almost 3.9% of the world’s population would use blockchain by 2024.

In July 2024, the global population was 8,118,835,999, 3.9% of which was 316.95 million. Almost 1 in 20 people in the world use blockchain technology.

Most of the blockchain users are from Asia. From Asia alone, the user count is 160 million, about 50.5% of the total blockchain user base.

After Asia, the regions with the highest number of blockchain users are Europe, Africa, North America, South America, and Oceania, respectively.

Region User Count
Asia 160 Million
Europe 38 Million
Africa 32 Million
North America 28 Million
South America 24 Million
Oceania 1 Million

Global Blockchain Spending Figures

Global blockchain spending accounts for all the investments in blockchain technology-related initiatives.

These investments or spending can be on blockchain research, development, or other blockchain projects.

Over the years, global spending on blockchain has increased. The exact investment figure for 2023 is not available. But in 2022, the expenditure was estimated to be around $11.7 billion.

In 2017, the global blockchain spending was $0.95 billion, which now, in 2024, is set to reach $19 million.

The spending on blockchain solutions is predicted to surge by 1900% in almost seven years.

This proves the growing popularity of blockchain technology around the world. From the increasing investments, it can be concluded that more and more people are venturing into the blockchain world.

Year Global Blockchain Spendings
2017 $0.95 Billion
2018 $1.5 Billion
2019 $2.7 Billion
2020 $4.5 Billion
2021 $6.6 Billion
2022 $11.7 Billion
2023 Data Not Found
2024 $19 Billion

Blockchain Transaction Statistics

Transactions refer to all the digital interactions that take place on the blockchain. From sending and receiving assets to verifying ownership, all are called transactions.

In June 2024, the total number of transactions recorded on blockchain was 1.031 billion. The exact number of transactions that happened in 2023 can’t be found.

However, there’s data for 2022. According to the reports, the number of transactions on blockchain was 1.8 billion in 2022. When calculated, it can be seen that from 2022 to 2024, the transaction numbers have declined by 42.72%.

List Of Top Blockchains in 2024

This list of blockchains is arranged based on the Total Locked Value.

The total locked value is the assets stored or stacked in a DeFi protocol, platform, or blockchain solution at a given time.

Here’s the list of top blockchains with the highest TLV in 2024.

  1. Ethereum – stands at a TLV of $ 121.26 billion.
  2. Tron(TRX) – has a TLV of about $8.34 billion.
  3. Solana (SOL) – reported a TLV of $6.28 billion.
  4. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) – has a TLV of $6.05 billion.
  5. Arbitrum (ARB) – recorded a TLV of $3.41 billion.

Top Blockchain Spenders By Industry

Nowadays, people are realizing the immense potential of blockchain.

That’s why businesses from different industries have started participating in the growing blockchain trend. Industries from various sectors are investing in blockchain projects to either tailor them for their use or to implement them effectively.

Per the most recent report from 2023, the banking industry led in spending, accounting for 29.07% of total expenditure by sector.

Process and discrete manufacturing account for 11.40% and 10.90% of spending, respectively, just after banking.

Professional services and retail hold the 4th and 5th positions, with spending shares of about 6.60% and 6.00%.

Enterprises Adopting Blockchain

More and more enterprises have been adopting blockchain technology to speed up processes and save resources.

Some of the enterprises that have adopted blockchain technology successfully are –

Walmart Walmart incorporated blockchain into its supply chain management. Walmart Canada collaborated with its partners to create a blockchain solution for freight payment processes. For the transportation of goods, enterprises like Walmart have to pay carriers. This compensation process is called freight payment. Walmart introduced blockchain in this payment to streamline the payment process and record data. Blockchain helped Walmart reduce freight claim disputes by 98.5%. They built the system to handle over 500,000 shipments per year.
JP Morgan JP Morgan utilized blockchain to simplify funds transfer and enhance the payment processes. It also developed the first bank-led blockchain platform called Onyx. The reports suggest that through Onyx, JP Morgan was able to tokenize U.S. Treasury Bonds worth up to $300 billion. JP Morgan has a digital currency called JPM coin, available on the Quorum Consortium blockchain. According to the reports, in 2023, the JPM coin was used for 1 billion transactions.

Microsoft has been using blockchain for various projects. For instance, it has launched Azure blockchain services for developers within the Azure Cloud platform. Azure Blockchain Service simplifies the building of blockchain for developers. Microsoft uses blockchain in supply chain management to reduce costs, improve traceability, and enhance overall supply operations.

Winding Tree It’s a site offering online travel services but is different from traditional travel operators. Winding Tree uses a decentralized blockchain protocol to connect travel suppliers directly with buyers. Leveraging blockchain offers secured transactions and removes the need for third-party agencies such as Expedia or
Demeter Demeter is a decentralized platform that connects farmers and consumers worldwide. Through blockchain, users can select and rent farms and then begin micro-farming. Users also enjoy their harvests as their productions get delivered to their doorsteps. Blockchain technology makes sure that all transactions remain transparent and secure.
British Airways This flight operator brand has introduced blockchain to manage information and data on flights operating between London, Geneva, and Miami. In addition, the company has also started exploring the VChain verification service. It’s a verification service that runs on blockchain.
MetLife MetLife is one of the largest insurance provider companies in the world, and it has recently ventured into the blockchain. The company subsidiary, LumnLab, has been exploring blockchain to streamline insurance claims. It has begun a blockchain protocol named ‘LifeChain’ in collaboration with Singapore Press Holding and NTUC Income.
Walt Disney Walt Disney, one of the biggest entertainment brands, has also tapped into blockchain. The company has been using blockchain for its amusement park to keep track of inventories, sales, and even shipments.
Samsung One of the biggest suppliers of electronic appliances and hardware goods, Samsung leveraged blockchain in supply chain management, just like Walmart.
It’s set to use the technology for logistics so that the brand can track its shipments and manage its supply chain well.
HSBC One of the prominent banking and financial service providers, HSBC, has been using blockchain for some time now. It has deployed a blockchain to digitize the vault system. They view blockchain as a more secure place to store data and have been moving away from keeping paper records.
Nestle This food manufacturing global brand has implemented blockchain in supply chain management to welcome transparency in supply chain management and build trust among customers with verified information. The brand verifies its products’ sources and tracks product delivery through blockchain. It even allows users to access the technology to know more about its supply data.

Blockchain In Various Industries

For a long time, blockchain remained limited to the crypto world. Fortunately, many industries now embrace blockchain for handling data and other operations.

Industry Adoption Share
Finance and Banking Finance and banking have adopted blockchain mainly for security and to improve financial transactions. Of the other industries that have embraced blockchain technology, the finance and banking sectors take the lead with a 30% share.
Healthcare Sector Healthcare has begun to depend on the blockchain for patient data privacy, interoperability, and data handling. It accounts for 20% of blockchain adoption in other industries.
Supply Chain Management In supply chain management, blockchain has also garnered popularity. As discussed, giant brands like Microsoft and Walmart use blockchain in supply chain management to track goods better, enhance traceability, verify and authenticate delivery, etc. Supply management’s blockchain adoption share is about 15%.
Insurance companies Insurance companies also leverage blockchain to prevent fraud, process claims, and manage policies. Insurance companies use about 15% of the blockchain’s chain usage in different industries.

Some other sectors using blockchain –

  1. Energy Sector – The global market size of blockchain in the energy sector is $6.43 billion. The exact adoption share for the energy sector isn’t available, but experts predict that the market size is set to grow at a CAGR of 25.6%.
  2. Logistics – Slowly but steadily, even the transport industry is adopting blockchain. Surveys conclude that by 2022, almost 17% of global logistics organizations have somehow explored blockchain or implemented the technology.
  3. Tourism – In the tourism sector, the adoption of blockchain is just changing motion. In the tourism sector, the adoption of blockchain is also just picking up motion. It is not known to what extent the tourism industry is implementing blockchain. There is, however, a rough estimate that blockchain is adopted by about 10-15% within the tourism niche.
  4. Media & Entertainment – Blockchain is also making quite a space in the media and entertainment industry. The market size of blockchain in media entertainment was last recorded in 2023 at $0.84 billion and is projected to reach up to $15.29 billion in 2028.
  5. Gaming – In 2024, it’s expected that a significant part of the global gaming industry, precisely 20%, will be incorporating blockchain in their operations. The gaming industry is adopting blockchain at a much faster rate.

Popular Blockchain Usage Statistics

From the above info, it’s clear that blockchain has been attracting companies from various sectors other than cryptocurrency. The companies select which blockchain to use depending on their need and type of usage.

Below, you’ll find some of the top blockchains and the brands that have been using them to reap benefits.

Ethereum Blockchain

A decentralized peer-to-peer network established in 2015, Ethereum is considered one of the oldest blockchain platforms that empower developers to develop and deploy applications on the blockchain.

  1. Makers Place – A library of thousands of original digital artworks created by some of the prominent artists and creators. It’s a platform that allows the buying and selling these collectibles, and the brand uses the Ethereum blockchain for creating, publishing, and transactions such as NFTs.
  2. Walmart – E-commerce giant Walmart leverages the Ethereum blockchain in supply management.
  3. Propy – It’s an online platform where real estate deals take place. Buyers, sellers, and agents use this platform to purchase or sell properties online without offline contact. Propy uses the Ethereum blockchain for these transactions and secures data storage.


Tron is an open-source blockchain platform, i.e.,e. the platform follows a decentralized, transparent, and public way of recording data. You can run smart contracts on this blockchain and even build decentralized apps.

  1. BitTorrent – BitTorrent, the prominent protocol for sharing large files, which mainly includes entertainment or media files, was acquired by TRON. The platform now relies on the TRON blockchain for streaming services and file sharing.
  2. – It’s an online platform that connects gamers worldwide, and it has partnered with TRON to develop games that operate on blockchain.


Again, this one is also an open-source performance that executes smart contracts. But Tezos is self-upgradable, meaning it has contracts in which developers change the codes even if the contract has been deployed.

  1. Red Bull Racing Honda – Red Bull Racing Honda is a Formula 1 racing team that selected Tezos as its official blockchain partner. Red Bull Honda uses Tezos to publish collectible NFTs, which can engage fans.
  2. Ubisoft – One of the biggest game publishers in the world, Ubisoft collaborated with Tezos to store and transact NFTs and keep track of the in-app assets.


It is also a self-upgradable, decentralized blockchain on which developers can develop and host business apps. Companies and industries that have been using this blockchain are –

  1. Everpedia – This online encyclopedia platform has chosen EOS as its blockchain platform. With the help of the EOS blockchain’s decentralized feature, various creators and editors can govern the platform. By using blockchain also maintains transparency and ensures the safety of user data.
  2. Patientory – Patientory is a database of medical records and other healthcare info. All its data is stored on the secured blockchain; the network it uses for storage is an EOS blockchain.

General Blockchain Usage Statistics

  1. In 2021, the total investment or spending on blockchain solutions was $6.6 billion. (Source – Blockchain stats)
  2. Experts say blockchain can reduce 30% of the banking system’s infrastructure cost. (Source – Blockchain stats)
  3. The healthcare industry is projected to make up 55% of the adoption of blockchain technology. (Source – Coinpedia)
  4. More than 20 countries plan to launch central bank digital currencies between 2023-2024, increasing the global acceptance of digital currency. (Source – Coinpedia)
  5. 71% of business leaders using blockchain actively see blockchain as a driving force behind technology development. (Source –
  6. 81 top 100 companies with the highest market capitalization have begun using blockchain. Of 81 companies, 65 have already developed blockchain solutions, while the remaining 16 are still in the research phase. (Source –
  7. The healthcare system might need to spend almost $5.6 billion in 2025. (Source –
  8. Experts predict that 90% of government organizations plan to invest in blockchain solutions. (Source –
  9. In 2020, the blockchain market experienced a surge of 10.27%. (Source –
  10. According to the survey, 71% of executives believe companies would lag behind their competitors without blockchain. (Source –
  11. It’s found that 13% of IT heads of top companies are looking forward to using blockchain technology. (Source –
  12. At IBM, over 1000 employees are solely employed on blockchain-based internet solutions. (Source –
  13. 51% of the organizations are set to use AI with blockchain integrations. (Source –
  14. Per the last report of 2018, almost 9 out of 10 banks in Europe and North America have considered implementing blockchain. (Source –
  15. More than 90% of banks in the United States and Europe have ventured into blockchain-related projects. (Source –
  16. In 2018 alone, enterprise companies invested $1 million in developing and implementing blockchain projects. (Source –
  17. The number of crypto frauds and scams increased from 168 in 2022 to 319 in 2023. Crypto crimes jumped by 90%. (Source – The Block)
  18. Blockchain-based crypto is expected to generate $1 billion in revenue for the global banking sector. (Source –
  19. Experts predict that the blockchain IoT market will experience a 40% growth from 2021 to 2026. (Source –
  20. The number of financial companies in Russia that wanted to incorporate blockchain into their operations by the end of 2020 was close to 99%. (Source –
  21. Blockchain’s value to businesses is estimated to reach $360 billion by 2026. (Source –
  22. According to niche experts, the blockchain will increase the global GDP to $1.76 trillion by 2030, about 1.4% of the world’s GDP. (Source –
  23. About 40% of people making investments in blockchain have reported facing government regulations. (Source –
  24. Reports suggest that there are 83 million registered blockchain wallets. (Source –
  25. The blockchain funding market stood at $9.2 billion in the first quarter of 2022, declining to $6.5 billion in the second quarter of 2022. (Source –
  26. Almost 11% of the U.S. population trades cryptocurrency and has some crypto assets. (Source –
  27. In 2020, blockchain was named as the most disruptive technology. (Source –
  28. As per the 2020 reports, 63% of C-level officers have accepted that blockchain is an integral part of the organizational infrastructure. (Source –
  29. In 2021, 90% of enterprise platforms operating on blockchain technology had to be replaced due to rapid new developments in the blockchain world. (Source –
  30. Regarding spending on blockchain solutions, the professional service industry is expected to take the lead in spending with a CAGR of 54%. (Source –
  31. From 2021 to 2024, global cryptocurrency users increased by 415 million in the last three years. (Source –
  32. As of 2024, there are 516 million cryptocurrency users worldwide. (Source –
  33. 40% of top health executives have included blockchain in their top 5 priorities. (Source –
  34. Over a quarter,i.e., 27% of all global developers are working on blockchain technologies. (Source –
  35. As of 2024, about 6500 developers in the United States of America are working as blockchain developers. (Source –
  36. Satoshi Nakamoto was the first person to bring blockchain to light in 2008. (Source –
  37. To give legal identification to 1.1 billion people around the world, Accenture Plc and Microsoft Corp collaborated to build a digital ID network based on blockchain. (Source –
  38. The minimum experience required to become an expert blockchain developer is 6-10 years. (Source –
  39. Automotive industry spending on blockchain technology will reach $ 14.731 billion in 2025. (Source –
  40. The US is estimated to have spent $4.2 billion on blockchain projects in 2022 and become the most significant regional spender on blockchain solutions. (Source –
  41. The global blockchain IoT market will be $32.98 billion by 2027. (Source –
  42. In 2021, cross-border settlements and payments stood out as the most used individual blockchain feature, with a usage share of 16%.(Source –
  43. Experts believe that by 2026, the food and agriculture sector will have invested $1.48 billion in blockchain adoption. (Source –
  44. The top 10 countries adopting blockchain rapidly are Japan, China, Lebanon, Switzerland, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Singapore, the Bahamas, the United States, and Estonia. (Source –
  45. Blockchain technology has managed and distributed more than $270 billion of transactions. (Source –
  46. About 0.5% of the world’s population uses blockchain. (Source –
  47. In 2022, the total investments in blockchain games will be around $12 billion. (Source –
  48. Of all the blockchain funding recorded in Q2 of 2022, about 57% of it, around $3.7 billion, went into Web3 startups. (Source –
  49. 76% of top financial executives believe digital assets will emerge as the strong alternative to FIAT currencies in the next 5 – 10 years. (Source –
  50. The number of people using blockchain worldwide is expected to jump by 80% in the next ten years. (Source –
  51. In September 2018, IBM and startup Hu-manity developed a launched app that runs on blockchain and enables patients to sell anonymized data to pharmaceutical companies. (Source –
  52. Per the last report, 88% of senior-level executives believe that, eventually, blockchain will be adopted by all mainstream industries. ( Source –
  53. By 2030, blockchain will likely simplify and enhance 40 million jobs worldwide. (Source –
  54. In 2019, 40% of organizations agreed to pay $5 million to develop and implement blockchain technology. (Source –
  55. When 2021 ends, the investments in blockchain globally are estimated to reach $6.5 billion. (Source –
  56. The 2020 studies state the Chinese will benefit the most from blockchain technology. It is expected to generate almost $440.4 billion in 2030. (Source –
  57. The most popular blockchain model worldwide is the private blockchain. 50% of all the blockchains implemented worldwide are private blockchain systems. (Source –
  58. The world’s largest investment banks are projected to save $12 or 38% of their annual cost by implementing blockchain. (Source –
  59. As of 2024, there are 9.024 cryptocurrencies available. (Source –
  60. Men invest more in cryptocurrency. 16% of men and 7% of women globally participate in blockchain technology. (Source –
  61. 69% of total crypto owners globally are white. (Source –
  62. As per the studies, 90% of tech-savvy teams have vouched for blockchain, saying it has enormous business potential. (Source –
  63. For over 6,500 blockchain projects, standalone blockchain solutions or platforms are used. (Source –
  64. One out of every three manufacturing and consumer products companies have introduced blockchain. (Source –
  65. Among all the crypto owners in the United States, 57% are millennials. (Source –
  66. According to the reports, India has the highest adoption rate of blockchain. The country’s global crypto adoption rate stands at 1. (Source –
  67. 60% of CIOs from different industries plan to incorporate blockchain into their infrastructure. (Source –
  68. It’s found that about 36% of blockchain users earn $100,000 or more every year. (Source –
  69. Among the total number of cryptocurrency owners, the % of users holding a bachelor’s degree or more is 82%. (Source –
  70. 52% of FSIs think that blockchain will prove to be beneficial in customer verification systems. (Source –
  71. The South Korean blockchain market was around $356.2 billion in 2023. (Source –
  72. In 2019, 50% of IT leaders were not ready to embrace blockchain technology. (Source –
  73. To build the most extensive digital cash settlement system using blockchain, the world’s biggest banks are investing $50 billion. (Source –
  74. In 2023, after 1,174 rounds of fundraising, the total investment acquired by crypto was $9.615 billion. (Source –
  75. The amount lost by crypto users over scams and hacks in 2023 was $1.8 billion. (Source –
  76. Blockchain miners consume a lot of electricity, up to 0.2% of all the electricity generated worldwide. (Source –
  77. As a part of the blockchain adoption drive, the manufacturing and resources sector in 2018 invested $334 million. (Source –
  78. Men account for 91.5% of all cryptocurrency-related investments globally. (Source –
  79. In a survey conducted in 2018, it was found that 50% of organizations that use blockchain chose permission models over full-access ones. (Source –
  80. The cryptocurrency losses between 2022 and 2023 declined by 54%. ( Source –
  81. From the surveys conducted, it was deduced that 62% of automotive executives in 2020 believed that blockchain would become a disruptive force in the automobile sector by 2021. (Source –
  82. By 2023, experts predicted that 54% of auto pioneers already had commercial blockchain networks. (Source –
  83. The market size of automotive blockchain globally in 2022 was 0.40 billion. (Source –
  84. Experts forecasted that by 2025, 10 to 15% of connected vehicle transactions will happen over the blockchain. (Source –
  85. From 2023 – 2032, the blockchain revenue in the automotive industry is estimated to experience a 32.0% CAGR. (Source –
  86. The global usage of blockchain in media and entertainment industries is predicted to reach a 78.49% CAGR by 2028. (Source –
  87. In 2022, survey results showed that 35% of real estate companies worldwide have implemented blockchain in some way or another. (Source –
  88. 56% of real estate leaders from across the world think that blockchain has the potential to change the real estate industry for the better. (Source –
  89. Experts predict that by 2025, the valuation of blockchain technology in the real estate industry will reach up to $3,884.8 million. (Source –
  90. The valuation of blockchain in the healthcare industry is projected to undergo a CAGR of 52.48% by 2029. (Source –
  91. In the healthcare niche, blockchain has a market size of $3.6 billion in 2024, estimated to reach $29.76 billion by 2029. (Source –
  92. From 2020 to 2027, blockchain’s usage in the logistics industry is estimated to grow by a CAGR of 67.1%. (Source – blog.
  93. Many companies have reported that blockchain implementation has helped them save 20% on logistics. (Source – blog.
  94. By 2025, 20% of leading grocers worldwide will use blockchain for food safety and traceability. (Source – blog.
  95. Implementing blockchain in supply chain management is projected to bring annual benefits of nearly $500 billion for companies. (Source – blog.
  96. The Gartner survey found that transportation, logistics, and wholesale trade are three of the most likely industries to benefit from blockchain technology. (Source – blog.
  97. In the energy sector, blockchain is expected to grow at a CAGR of 25.6% from 2023 to 2030. (Source –
  98. The blockchain valuation in the energy sector from 2023 to 2030 is predicted to jump from $6.43 billion to $31.73 billion. (Source –
  99. By leveraging the blockchain in the energy niche, 20% of all worldwide carbon emissions can be reduced. (Source –
  100. The blockchain market in media and entertainment was $0.84 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach $15.29 billion by 2028. (Source –


How Many Companies Use Blockchain in 2024?

As of 2024, thousands of companies across various industries worldwide use blockchain technology. At the same time, the exact number is challenging to pinpoint due to the rapid adoption and the diverse range of use cases.

Is Blockchain Still Relevant in 2024?

Yes, blockchain remains highly relevant in 2024. Blockchain’s relevance in 2024 is driven by its ability to solve complex problems, provide security and transparency, and enable new digital interaction and commerce forms. Its application across various sectors ensures its continued importance in the technological landscape.

What are the statistics of blockchain technology use?

  • Adoption Rate: Over 80% of global enterprises explore or actively use blockchain technology.
  • Industry Penetration: Financial services, supply chain, healthcare, and government sectors are the top adopters, with financial services leading at 60% adoption.
  • Market Size: The global blockchain market is expected to reach approximately $60 billion by 2024.

What is the failure rate of blockchain projects?

  • Failure Rate: Around 90% of blockchain projects initiated since 2017 have failed, often due to scalability, lack of clear use cases, regulatory challenges, or inadequate funding.
  • Success Factors: Successful projects typically have strong governance, transparent business models, regulatory compliance, and scalability solutions.

Which country uses blockchain the most?

  • Top Country: The United States has led the adoption of blockchain, which is extensively used in the finance, technology, and government sectors.
  • Other Leaders: China and Switzerland are also prominent, with significant investments in blockchain technology and favorable regulatory environments.